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Dr. K. Jeyaratnam

Celebrated Consultant Surgeon/
Gastroenterologist Dr K Jeyaratnam
MBBS (Mysore), FRCS (Edin), FICS
- a specialist in laser haemorrhoid
therapy, has to his credit, performed
more than 700 laser haemorrhoid (piles)
surgeries in his illustrious career
that first began in the year 2012. 

HAEMORRHOIDS are pathologically enlarged veins in the rectum - nodular swellings that may bring about bleeding, itching, and burning. 

Statistics have revealed that nearly half the population suffers from haemorrhoids by the time they reach the age of 50. An operation is often necessary in about 10% to 20% of all haemorrhoid-causing complaints.


The innovative laser haemorrhoid therapy of WSM MEDIC enable minimally invasive and almost painless treatment of haemorrhoids with the help of laser atrophy.

4 stages of haemorrhoids 

The pathological enlargement
of the haemorrhoid is
classified in four stages. Laser 
haemorrhoid procedure is
suitable for treating
haemorrhoids in the second to
fourth stages.

Almost painless alternative
to traditional surgical

For these higher stages of
haemorrhoids, the laser
haemorrhoid procedure
represents an almost painless
alternative to the traditional
and painful removal.

Big advantage

Performed under
ambulant/day-care conditions,
the big advantage is that the
haemorrhoids are not removed
in the usual manner with an
Incisions and sutures are not
necessary. In contrast to the
conventional operative removal
of the haemorrhoids, no open
wound occurs.
As a result, the risk of
infections is mitigated.

Laser haemorrhoid

With laser haemorrhoid therapy,
the haemorrhoids are targetted in
a controlled manner with the
help of a laser fibre focussing a
beam all around and thus,
shrunk in a focussed manner.

Sensitive anoderm is

The sensitive anoderm is
preserved and the sphincter
muscle tissue remains intact.
The natural anatomical
structure of the anal canal
can be maintained. 

No scar tissues 

This procedure initiates the
formation of new connective
tissue and adhesion with the
underlying tissue.
In contrast to the conventional
surgical treatment option, no scar
tissues are formed.

Faster healing

Healing takes place faster than
in the case of a surgical


WSM MEDIC - on the defining edge of laser surgery

A delicate haemorrhoids surgery procedure made remarkably less complex and minimally invasive, using laser haemorrhoid therapy.

Dr. K. Jeyaratnam conducts a typical laser haemorrhoid procedure keenly observed by a team of visiting surgeons.